I've often had the thought that George Lucas is possibly an alien conditioning mankind for the inevitable revelation that we are not alone in this universe. (I have touched on this subject previously
http://christopherlwest.blogspot.com/2011/08/georgeand-fred-pig-guy.html .) I've said before, who wouldn't want a Wookie as a best friend? Lightsabers! Need to cut that tree down in the backyard? I think Steven is in on it too with the likes of ET...who actually makes a cameo in The Phantom Menace as one of the background aliens in the Senate. (Trust me he's really there!)
Even when I was a little kid I thought something might be up when I spotted two aliens that looked very familiar. Ellorrs Madak and Baniss Keeg are aliens from the Cantina who look an awful lot like the alleged visiting aliens in our "real world". Big eyes and big heads with long fingers.
My hope is not just that these are the real deal and they are just big fans of George's wanting that small cameo in Star Wars. I hope the other stuff is out there and we just haven't been able to get to it yet.
Ellorrs Madak |
Baniss Keeg |
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