Wednesday, August 3, 2011


One of the first pics I remember seeing from Return of the Jedi, as a kid, was a Gamorrean Guard from Jabba's palace standing under a blue light in a doorway. Didn't know what he was but he looked freaking cool! While Empire Strikes Back is what I consider to be the greatest movie of all time and the best in the Trilogy, Jedi sure as heck has the best aliens and monsters. I mean, there's Jabba, the Rancor and the Sarlacc! Jabba's entire palace is so chock full of creatures, to this day people are still discovering more aliens. I think they just started cranking out alien costumes and forgot what they made. Or if I'm right, and George is conditioning mankind for the revelation of extra terrestrial life (he might be one) maybe they were all real! He probably had aliens from all over our galaxy dropping in for an intergalactic casting call. Extras needed! No talent or experience required. Just show up with your tentacles, horns and slimy grossness and you're in. So here is my Gamorrean. Or maybe it's George's cousin Harry from Jupiter or Fred from Orion?

Gamorrean Guard

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