Sunday, July 31, 2011


Not sure if two aliens really make up and invasion, but...well there's more to come. So this is my first posting with aliens. To me nothing says alien monster like a giant brain. Star Trek had a big alien headed dude. Mars Attacks had them. Seems like there were old random 50's and 60's sci-fi monsters with big brains. The alien below kinda reminds me a bit of the monster on the Frankenberry cereal box also. The weed with the eyeballs...not sure...maybe some subconscious homage thing with the floating eyeball from Big Trouble in Little China.You probably forgot about that, huh? I had asparagus the other night. Maybe it's asparagus from outer space. Maybe the big brained alien cyclops is hungry for asparagus from outer space?

Alien Cyclops

Alien Eye Weed

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