Monday, April 30, 2012


Ewoks. Was not a big fan of Ewoks as a kid. The mystery of the Ewok in the marketing push for Return of the Jedi was confusing to me. No one knew what the Ewoks looked like. Kenner blotted out the images on the action figure cardbacks and I didn't understand why. Kinda the same with Jabba. You didn't see him up until around the release of the movie. Crazy but there was once a world without internet and smart phones. If you are one of those young hipsters, yes, the only tablet was one made of for an Ewok.

In more recent years, I remember the Godzilla movie released in the mid 90s took the same approach to the look of Big G. You weren't supposed to see him until you went to the movies. The posters and other stuff put out before the movie just had a giant eyeball or an arm or a claw. In this case it was mostly to hide the fact that this incarnation of Godzilla looked NOTHING like the classic monster.

So you go see ROTJ and then you see the Ewoks in all their furry little glory, kicking the snot out of the Empire. I didn't think that they really defeated the Empire so much as they distracted them while the Rebels hit em with the final blow. I mean, if you are a Stormtrooper being attacked by these fuzz balls you'd wonder what in the Hell was going on. Really? These fuzzballs are gonna fight US? Next thing you know Han Solo is blasting you in your helmet and it's game over.

Now I have a better appreciation for Ewoks. Recently, I find the idea of the mix of the cuteness with savage brutality is intriguing to me.  Not sure why but little fuzzy bear people smashing a Stormtroopers helmet into mush is kinda disturbing.

Here's an Ewok I was working on yesterday. I have a bigger idea for the Ewoks but just wanted to float this out there as a teaser. I have an idea I think represents the Ewoks ultimate foe.

1 comment:

  1. Your Ewok has a bit of a scowl - like he means business. I didn't like their 'language' - imagine what the perception would be if they vocalized differently?!?
