Thursday, June 23, 2011


I've read a lot of Batman comics. Seen a lot of Batman cartoons. Frank Miller and Paul Dini pretty much set the standard as far as I am concerned. The Dark Knight Returns pretty much turned my world upside down as a kid. First time I read it was right around when the first Tim Burton flick came out. As cool as that was and as huge as the Bat-wave was that consumed the planet I washed ashore with the Frank's Batman instead. My best pal Roger got it and said I should read it. That was it. Until Batman: The Animated Series just really kicked me in the head every weekday afternoon a few years later. I knew the villains and new the stories but both of these versions of the Batman I consider to be the definitive sources for all things Batman. Here I jumped back into watercolors after being away from them for a few years. I cranked my iPod with Hans Zimmer and got lost for a few days.

Two Face




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