Monday, July 18, 2011


A lot of what I draw is based on things I thought were really cool as a kid growing up. Naturally my impressions of the subjects I draw now are probably rooted in those childhood perceptions. Here we have a real dirtbag of a character. He's not cool. He's a great bad guy, don't get me wrong. He does what bad guys do and you want him to get his in the end. When I saw Return of the Jedi, I couldn't figure out why Darth Vader took so much crap from this guy. Up to that point (and really even to this very day) my childhood pretty much revolved around playing Darth Vader, reading about Darth Vader and hopefully one day becoming as cool as Darth Vader. This dude that barks orders at Vader had to go. Yeah I got it, he's the Emperor. He's the boss. Really? Now days you get to see the evolution of this bad guy through the Clone Wars cartoons and, of course, in the Prequel Trilogy from a few years back. I know he finally gets what's coming to him but you know it's a long time until then. Well, if I just pop in the DVD and skip to the end of ROTJ, it's just a few minutes away. Still, as much as Emperor Palpatine wasn't one of my favorites, he was cool to draw. Plus I can rewind and watch his demise over and over until I feel a little better about it.

Emperor Palpatine

Chancellor Palpatine

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